Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well, David is just about to end his first week in toddler class and he did great. The first day was a little rough dropping him off by myself, but I survived and so did David. Once he realized he was in the same class as his friends, he relaxed. He's such a big boy now, taking his naps at noon on a mat on the floor, sits at a little table to eat his snacks and lunch and A LOT more toys. By the 2nd day he walked into his room and forgot all about me.

When we picked David up from school yesterday we found out that, yes indeed, he has a girlfriend LOL. Ms Savannah, she's an older girl, I believe she is about 2 months older than David! Ms Donielle, one of his teachers, told us that at lunch time the two of them were sitting next to each other and David was feeding her her food. They were having chicken rings and apparently he was picking them up off her plate and feeding them to her. They said he was really gentle and she was just soaking it up. I really wish I would have had a video of it! Today we were told by Ms Bianca, his other teacher, that they are assigning each child their own chair at the the table, and that they have decided they need to keep David and Savannah together. They play together, eat together and are inseparable. When we dropped him off this morning, he was the last one to get there (I had to get an allergy shot this morning) so all the seats were taken up at one of the tables. Ms Bianca pulled out another small table that we sat David at and wouldn't you know, Savannah came over and sat with him. I will try to get a picture of them together and will post.

David is getting better at sleeping at night, 3 nights in a row he has slept through the night without a fuss; he even goes down without crying. At the beginning of the week I decided it was time for some kind of ritual so that he knows its bed time and he can start to relax. I started asking him to pick out books for me to read to him and then it would be bedtime. Two nights in a row now he is gotten the book on his own and given it to either me or Anthony. He brings it over and says "book" and climbs up next to us. We read him the book, he'll then look through a different one for a bit and then he's ready for bed. I turn on his music box, we say our Prayers, tell him we love him and he goes right down (holding his Big Bird of course).

Here in Arkansas it been raining again. Two days in a row right now and expected rain every day until Sunday. I know it's nothing compared to what Florida is getting right now, but it's crazy. I can see why people in Seattle get depressed from no sunshine, it's a good thing I like the rain - except for when the dogs bring in mud and grass on their paws!

This Saturday is Michelle P's 40th Birthday, so we got a babysitter and we are going out! Steve rented the downstairs section of a piano bar in downtown Little Rock and is having an open bar. Should be a pretty good time! I'm looking forward to getting out and getting a little break. I feel guilty for saying it out loud because I really don't mind spending every minute I have with David, but it will be nice to be somewhere fun without kids.

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