Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Taking after Dad and Judy, I thought I would start a blog and keep friends and family updated on the Cipriano family.

David turned 13 months old yesterday! Can you believe it? For his first birthday, we had a BBQ at our house and invited friends over to help celebrate this milestone. We set up a little "bouncy" for the babies and David, Aiden and Sloane had lots of fun playing (so did Abby and Blake!!) The theme of his party was construction trucks, Tonka, and Wal*Mart did a great job on making his cake. They even have a great deal for First Birthday's - the birthday boy got his own little cake AND he ate it ALL!

He receive a lot of great toys but the best part was just having friends there to help us celebrate and watch him dig into his cake. David had cake in he ears, up his nose, between his fingers and in his hair, but daddy gave him a bath right away so he could continue to play with his friends. Even after everyone left and was exhausted from the heat and humidity, David was WIRED hours afterwards.